These are collections that users have shared with the world. You can download, reslot and reuse them. Get the app to design and share your jumps
Skyvan Calais 20 way
Team: declerck angelo
8way tunnel 24/9/22
Team: declerck angelo
8way calais april 2022
Team: declerck angelo
July 2024 norderney
Team: declerck angelo
28 way st-flo 2023
Team: declerck angelo
16 way invitational sep2022 moorsele
Team: declerck angelo
Skyvan Calais 11way
Team: declerck angelo
Team: Sean Healy
Milko & Sian - Florida Fun
Team: Rob Jonson
Classic Bigway
Team: Rob Jonson
Total Break Sequential - Episode 1
Team: Rob Jonson
Jumps by Dan BC & Patrick Passe
Milko's Abu Dhabi 2020 Extravaganza
Team: Rob Jonson
We definitely demonstrated that you can do 16way in the 32ft tunnel :)
Thanks also to Martial for joining and assisting with the organising.
Most jumps are designed by Milko and Martial with a few by Luc Vereecken. I don't know who created what - so they mostly have Milko/Martial credit...
Final thanks to Billy for putting the video together :)
All names & errors are my own!

FR/LS Boogie
Team: Paul Neely
Sequential Gang - Deland 72-way 2022
Team: Patrick Passe
St Flo 2022
Team: Patrick Passe
Just a few jumps from the long weekend...

Milko & Siân - Hib in the Sun :)
Team: Milko

40th Event
Team: Martin Soulsby
Autumn Bigway Camp 2021
Team: Lesley Gale
2020 Euro Bigway
Team: Lesley Gale
learn/improve bigway skills, make new skyfriends and have a fantastic time doing it!
Click here to sign up for 2021!

NB: This collection was updated after the event with a selection of photos. The photos don't necessarily completely match the original plans! Click to view individual jumps, and click on the 'Info' tab to see photos.
This is intended as an example of sharing an event on SkydiveDesigner - Thanks to Lesley for working with me to share this - Rob
SA Mini Bigways Weekend
Team: Kristina Hicks