

These are jumps that users have shared with the world. You can download, reslot and reuse them. Get the app to design and share your jumps

Title: Perris Games 2023 - Jump A

Team: Patrick Passe

Credit: Patrick Passe

Jumpers: 72

Points: 1

Title: GAMES Jump 3

Team: Patrick Passe

Jumpers: 76

Points: 1

Title: GAMES Jump 4

Team: Patrick Passe

Jumpers: 76

Points: 1

Title: GAMES Jump 4

Team: Patrick Passe

Jumpers: 76

Points: 1

Title: 22-way 2pts C TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 22

Points: 2

Title: 21-way 3pts A

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 21

Points: 3

Title: 22-way 2pts A TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 22

Points: 2

Title: 21-way 2pts C TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 21

Points: 2

Title: 21-way 2pts A TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 21

Points: 2

Title: 21-way 2pts E TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 21

Points: 2

Title: 21-way 2pts D TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 21

Points: 2

Title: 22-way 2pts E TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 22

Points: 2

Title: 22-way 2pts D TBS

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 22

Points: 2

Title: 22-way 3pts.jump

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 22

Points: 3

Title: Invite 15

Team: Pat Chapman

Jumpers: 20

Points: 2

Title: P19

Team: P19

Credit: Project 19

Jumpers: 100

Points: 1

Title: Bonitz 12-way Donut Gem

Team: Nick Strecker

Jumpers: 12

Points: 7

Title: 7-way bipole slot switcher

Team: Nic Wolfe

Jumpers: 7

Points: 8

Title: 6-way spinning donuts

Team: Nic Wolfe

Jumpers: 6

Points: 6

Title: K D H M

Team: Milko

Jumpers: 8

Points: 5

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