These are collections that users have shared with the world. You can download, reslot and reuse them. Get the app to design and share your jumps
Autumn Bigway Camp 2021
Team: Lesley Gale
Power Games 21
Team: Dieter Kirsch
Milko & Siân - Hib in the Sun :)
Team: Milko
June 2021 - Hibaldstow Invitational

2020 Euro Bigway
Team: Lesley Gale
Welcome to the Euro Big-way camp at Skydive Hibaldstow – designed to share information,
learn/improve bigway skills, make new skyfriends and have a fantastic time doing it!
Click here to sign up for 2021!
learn/improve bigway skills, make new skyfriends and have a fantastic time doing it!
Click here to sign up for 2021!

NB: This collection was updated after the event with a selection of photos. The photos don't necessarily completely match the original plans! Click to view individual jumps, and click on the 'Info' tab to see photos.
This is intended as an example of sharing an event on SkydiveDesigner - Thanks to Lesley for working with me to share this - Rob
FR/LS Boogie
Team: Paul Neely
Classic Bigway
Team: Rob Jonson
Great Big Bigway Jumps